Homecare Expense Coverage
If you require care due to an illness, accident or diminished physical or mental capacity, Homecare Expense Coverage can provide you with a monthly income to help bridge the gap between personal savings and provincial and private health insurance coverage. Long-term care can be accessed when you can’t perform two or more Activities of Daily Living (ADL). ADLs include: eating, dressing, bathing, toileting, transferring and incontinence. It may be easier to qualify for than Critical Illness Insurance.
Homecare Expense Coverage provides the financial means to give you the level of care you need, the ability to preserve your dignity and gives you the peace of mind you deserve. Care costs are unfortunately very expensive and take an emotional toll on the entire family.
MyDignity plans involve no medical underwriting, are CARP (Canadian Association of Retired Persons) endorsed, and allows care managers to pick and choose the assistance services for the one needing care.
Do you know who will take care of you, your spouse, or your parents when one is unable to care for themselves?